Saturday, April 21, 2007

End of the ride

back at the start. The bike computer said 5 hours 33 minutes not counting rest periods. Average speed 14.2 mph. Maximum speed 46.5 mph! The downhill after climbing to over 1k ft. was incredible. A blowout at that speed would have been painful.
This event went off without a hitch. With 400 riders and a long twisting route, running sweep, providing 4 well stocked rest stops, a banquet on return and keeping it safe left me in awe of those that are responsible for pulling this off. I wish out government were 1/10th as efficient. We certainly wouldn't be in the mess we are today.
80 miles on a bicycle with the hills we had to climb was no easy task but it certainly was a great experience especially when surrounded by such an incredible group of people. If your looking to restore your faith in humanity spend some time with this group.

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